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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Harem Scarem 3 - review and thanks

Shirley's group - The Unforgiven

Message from Shirley:

"I would like to thank all those who attended Harem Scarem 3 on 27th October. The night was a huge success and it was hard to believe that the show was unrehearsed.

"A huge thank you to our many performers who put so much effort into their choreographies - every performance was unique and outstanding.

"Also a big thankyou to our stall holders who brought such a wonderful bazaar - Sue, Penny and Leah, our DJ Andy, our charming ladies on the door Coral and June, our ladies who manned the raffle, all those who donated gifts and finally the magnificent Rachel Sparry whom I couldn't have coped without. We raised £198.70 on the night for Cancer Research UK - many thanks.

"Keep checking the Arabesq site for details of next years Harem Scarem. WE'LL BE BACK!!!!!!"

Click here to see more photos of the night.

Heidi Evans, one of Shirley's students, has written this review:

"Calling all Hafla virgins! The time has come! No longer may you dwell in the shadows …… I have seen the light and feel it is my duty to pass on the juicy details which led to my rebirth. A few short days prior to All Hallows Eve I was summoned to an event of such utter ghoulish delicacy I could scarcely have imagined.

"Picture the scene, if you will …. Burleigh Hall, Newport on a wild blustery night.

"Upon arrival to the refurbished church I was greeted by a reception of darkly efficient witches who branded me 'cursed' as I procured my ticket. It felt so wrong and yet, at the same time, so uncomfortably right in such a venue. It was not long until the audience and I were catapulted into an unfamiliar yet strangely alluring underworld that was Act 1. From the ‘neither-living-nor-dead’ opening of Hursula's 'Cantamus' we were transported through a myriad of stunning performances ranging from belly dancing, bangra, Spanish and Turkish delights to Teutonic murky depths with a rendition of 'Mein Herr'.

"Act 2 did not disappoint. The first number opened against a backdrop of the 1935 classic Bride of Frankenstein and with a soundtrack oozing lyrics such as 'you electrify me...' you knew that organiser and belly dancing tutor extraordinaire, Shirley Griffiths, resplendent in an Elizabeth Frankenstein wig, would devour the achingly romantic tale. The theme continued with 'Corpse Bride' which brought wonderfully cinematic qualities to the stage.

"If awards were to be given, in my humble opinion, an Oscar would certainly go to Rachel Sparry. Her facial expressions alone were show stealing and flanked by her group of ghoulish widows as they gyrated to ' Ramalama Bang Bang' was just one of the many, many highlights. With over twenty routines performed throughout the night, a belly dancers bazaar and more atmosphere than decent society would allow, the night was one of my most enjoyable experiences of 2007.

"This reviewer would like to offer a heartfelt and gothic thank you to the organisers and performers."


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