Arabesq Noticeboard

News about the bellydance scene in Wales and the west, including events, workshops and more compiled by DJ Andy Roberts in Cardiff, Wales. Send your updates to andy @

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Flying the flag at Fantasia

Safeena and Fiora would both like to thank their groups for their performances at last weekend's Fantasia festival in London.

Safeena says: "Some of my Mirage group had never before danced in front of such a large and prestigious audience which included professional dancers from all parts of the globe.

"Mirage were asked to open the show and made a very dramatic start to the show with an unusual dance incorporating veils, wings, swords, flags and fan veils!!!

"The feedback from the audience was amazing and everyone had a wonderful time."

"Andy Roberts kindly helped getting the music sorted out for the dance and Safeena is very grateful for his expertise and help.

"Safeena and Mirage will be holding a hafla next year and details will be put on Arabesq as soon as they are firmed up."

Fiora says: "I taught a Zambra Mora (flamenco fusion) workshop and performed at the Saturday night show a Zambra Mora solo and a group Flamenco Chiftetelli dance with my students.

"It was a great experience, I had great feedback for my dances and met dancers from all over the world!"


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