Arabesq Noticeboard

News about the bellydance scene in Wales and the west, including events, workshops and more compiled by DJ Andy Roberts in Cardiff, Wales. Send your updates to andy @

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Seeking Mohammed Addabani

Mohammed Addabani

It may be a long shot, but I'm trying to track down a former BBC colleague of mine, a Moroccan guy called Mohammed Addabani.

He's a singer and guitarist and I'm hoping he'll come along and perform at my Middle Eastern event in Cardiff's Cafe Jazz - A Night in Tunisia - on Thursday 30 November.

I think he's changed his mobile number as I'm getting no reply from the number I've got for him.

If you know Mohammed, can you ask him to give Andy a call on 07970 343841 or email andy @

You can read about him and hear some of his music on the
BBC South East Wales website.

In fact I'm keen to hear from any solo artists or duos interested in performing some Middle Eastern music on the night.

And if anyone's got a darbuka or tambourine, we may even round off the night with a mass percussion jam.


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