Arabesq Noticeboard

News about the bellydance scene in Wales and the west, including events, workshops and more compiled by DJ Andy Roberts in Cardiff, Wales. Send your updates to andy @

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Flying the flag at Fantasia

Safeena and Fiora would both like to thank their groups for their performances at last weekend's Fantasia festival in London.

Safeena says: "Some of my Mirage group had never before danced in front of such a large and prestigious audience which included professional dancers from all parts of the globe.

"Mirage were asked to open the show and made a very dramatic start to the show with an unusual dance incorporating veils, wings, swords, flags and fan veils!!!

"The feedback from the audience was amazing and everyone had a wonderful time."

"Andy Roberts kindly helped getting the music sorted out for the dance and Safeena is very grateful for his expertise and help.

"Safeena and Mirage will be holding a hafla next year and details will be put on Arabesq as soon as they are firmed up."

Fiora says: "I taught a Zambra Mora (flamenco fusion) workshop and performed at the Saturday night show a Zambra Mora solo and a group Flamenco Chiftetelli dance with my students.

"It was a great experience, I had great feedback for my dances and met dancers from all over the world!"

Friday, December 10, 2010

American Tribal Workshop in Bridgend - Jan 2011

An American Tribal Style Bellydance workshop takes place on Saturday 15 January 2011 at Litchard Cross Community Centre, Bridgend (just off junction 36 of the M4).

It's in the Fat Chance Belly Dance Format and for foundation level.

The Workshop will cover correct execution of fundamental moves with cues, transitions and formations for ATS improvisational dance.

Suitable for beginners to belly dance, experienced belly dancers who are beginners to ATS or any dancers who have a basic knowledge in ATS.

2pm to 5pm, price £20 - a reduction to £15 for all bookings paid by 1st January 2011.

A one hour workshop in zills for ATS will also be run if there is enough interest after the main workshop from 5 to 6pm, price £5.

(Level two workshop coming soon)

Contact Heley for booking details on 07518 024316 or email tribalbellydancewales @

Wendy's Winter Hafla and Workshops - Feb 2011

Wendy Hughes is holding a Winter Hafla and Workshops in the Abergavenny area on Saturday 26 February 2011.

Kirsty Matthews of Bhakti Tribal will teach two Tribal workshops - the first from 12 midday to 2pm covering Foundation Moves for Classic American Tribal Style Bellydance open to all levels.

The second workshop from 2.30 to 4.30pm is Leading & Following Formations with Slow Moves, for improvers and more experienced dancers.

Workshops cost £20 each, or earlybird price of £30 if booked before 31 January 2011.

The tribal workshops will now be taking place at Llanfoist Village Hall, followed by a hafla in the evening.

Kirsty will be the star guest along with Usha Oseye, plus performances by Shirley, Siluria, Kyoko, Daigana Grace, Hypno Mystiq, Erzuli and other local groups.

Performance slots available - all bellydance styles welcome. The Hipsynch bazaar will also be open for all your bellydance needs.

7.30pm till midnight, tickets £7 - due to a change of plans there will not be a buffet. Please bring a plate of food to share and your own drinks.

Contact Wendy 07530 099265 or email xwendy @ to book tickets and/or workshop places.